John Juat
John Walter Brown Juat graduated from the College of Education at the University of the Philippines, Diliman. He loves spending his time serving in the church, singing, and playing the piano. As a pro-life advocate, he enjoys conducting seminars for the youth especially about human dignity, chastity, relationships, leadership, and self-reflection. He is also the author of Let Me Live So I Can Love, a collection of 60 poems about youth issues, virtues, and self-reflection. He was also a speaker at the 1st Jesus Centered Life International Conference in December 2020. He currently works as a high school Religion teacher at PAREF Northfield School for Boys. He spends his time on weekends doing volunteer work as a facilitator and guest speaker in CACHET (Campaign for Character Education Tenacity), a program which aims to strengthen the values education programs in public schools, as well as a volunteer teacher in the Catechetical Ministry of his parish.